The Academy of Woodlands constantly strives to promote and provide an environment which is positive, supportive and inclusive.
A new SEN Team began at The Academy of Woodlands in September 2021. Our team is now:
Miss Welsh: SENCO
Mrs Kirby SEN Admin
Mrs Page: Wellbeing Mentor
Miss Collins: Specialist Speech and Language Teaching Assistant
Dottie: Therapy dog
Dottie - The Dog Mentoring Programme
Dottie has undertaken her dog mentoring training. She has passed her Bronze, Silver and Gold Level Awards.
The Power of the Dog Mentor Programme:
- Anxiety Reduction
- Attachment and Relationship Building
- Communication and Social Anxieties
- Desensitisation
- Problem Solving
- Social Interactions and Relationships
- Stress Coping Strategies
- Attention and Behavioural Difficulties
The Dog Mentor programme has proven to have a positive impact on children in all areas of self-esteem, behaviour, peer relationships, and better engagement skills. These improvements have resulted in better academic achievements.
While working with Dottie, children will learn about communication and body language, take part in ice-breaker games, discuss feelings, teach tricks and give treats to Dottie. They can also complete a pupil workbook.
The content of the workbook focuses on how we can use the human-animal bond to learn good communication with others and help to create a positive change.
The workbook contains information and activities such as:
- Weekly Journal
- About ME
- My Family
- Body Language
- Feelings and Emotions
- Worksheets and activities
- Tricks and treats for training
Please see the bottom of the page for the dog mentoring programme risk assessment.
Wellbeing Support for Parents
Please click the links below for some useful documents relating to Wellbeing Support for Parents:
If you have any concerns about your child, please always speak to their class teacher in the first instance, as they know your child best and may be able to put immediate support in place or advise what they are already doing to support your child.
Please see the SEN Information Report attached at the bottom of this page, which details how we provide provision for children with special educational needs.
Please also see the useful links tab below which has links to support available in Medway for families with children with special educational needs and the Medway Local Offer tab details all services available in Medway.
Medway Local Offer
The Local Offer is an online hub that lets young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their parents and carers know what services are out there for them, and how they can access them.
The Medway Council Local Offer -
Helpful Links
Medway Young Person’s Wellbeing Service YPWS, Eating Disorders service in Kent and Medway and Neurodevelopmental and Learning Disabilities Service -
The Kent Association for the Blind -
For confidential, impartial SEND information, advice and Support for Medway: Medway SENDIAS - Family Action (
National Autistic Society - MAGIC: Medway Autism Group Information Centre -
The Kent Autistic Trust -
Mind -
Mind - Dealing with Anxiety - Click here for the document
NSPCC - PANTS Guides -
NSPCC - Keeping Children Safe -
School Age Activities running in Medway: School age activities :: Medway Community Healthcare