We are changing our name! But why, I hear you ask.
We need your support... We need to change
It has been discussed at our last PTA meeting that we struggle to get parent support and it was discussed how parents see the PTA as a certain stereotype, they’re “busybodies”, they have “too much time” on their hands or they’re part of a “clique”. However, the reality is these mums and dads work selflessly to improve not only their child’s time at school, but the experiences of the rest of the pupils there too and we want more parents/carers to feel what we do when events run.
At our last AGM, it was voted unanimously that we should change out name from being a Parent Teacher Association to a Friends of The Academy Of Woodlands - FOAOW.
Our thoughts behind this lies with really aligning our thoughts and beliefs with our wonderful school and its drive for community and inclusivity.
We are aware that parents can feel intimidated or think that volunteering for the PTA is a massive commitment, it really doesn't' have to be. Volunteers can contribute as much or as little as they want.
We want to make it easier and feel less intimidating for anyone who is connected to our school whether it be mum's, dad's, grandparents or friends to be able to help support the Friends of the Academy of Woodlands - FOAOW.
Going forward without volunteer support we will have to reduce the volume of events that we would normally run which will mean no discos, loved one's shops, fete's etc which is such a shame.
We hope this minor change will make a bigger difference.